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Week beginning 01.03.21

Remote Learning Timetable – Year 5 ( KS2 )

Monday 1st March– Friday 5th March 2021


Lesson 1


PE: Go for a walk with your household. Fresh air is great for the mind and the body!

Lesson 2


English: Watch the video about parenthesis and dashes and complete the independent task.



Lesson 3



Maths: Watch the video ’Area of rectangles’ and complete the worksheet saved as a document on the website. 


Lesson 4


Reading: Skimming and scanning

Before you start today’s lesson, make sure you have read or listened to Chapter 3 of Raven Boy. 


Read the document below on Skimming and Scanning.  Then answer the following questions. 


  1. What did Mercy think was above them in the house? (p31)

‘Oh, shush, Mercy!  We have to stay somewhere, don’t we?  Or do you want the watchmen to catch us in the street and send us back to shut into Mistress Jenkin’s house?’

      A sudden bump-bump noise came from somewhere up above.  ‘Ghosts!’ said Mercy, her hand to her mouth, and Nick felt a cold shiver down his back.

      ‘Silly,’ he said, but the noise did sound very like a ghost and Nick’s voice shook.  He thought of Mother in her white nightgown, dying.  That clammy hand of a thought grabbed him around the neck.  Might Mother come in death to find him, to ask Nick why he had left her to die alone?  There was a sharp scraping sound and a sudden loud thump above them, and Mercy crouched back in fear.’


  1. Explain the role of the ‘watchmen’

So Nick lowered Mercy into the hole, then dropped down himself, pulling the door flap closed over him.    Mercy’s hands clung to him, pinch-tight.  As their eyes adjusted to the gloom, they could see a little of where they were.  The cellar was a low-ceilinged cave of a place, piled with wine bottles and coal, draped with cobwebs and full to the brim with darkness and musty smells.

      ‘It’s too dark,’ said Mercy.

      ‘It’s almost night and night-times should be dark,’ said Nick.  ‘I’m going to look for the trap door.’


      ‘Oh, shush, Mercy!  We have to stay somewhere, don’t we?  Or do you want the watchmen to catch us in the street and send us back to shut into Mistress Jenkin’s house?’

      A sudden bump-bump noise came from somewhere up above.  ‘Ghosts!’ said Mercy, her hand to her mouth, and Nick felt a cold shiver down his back.’


  1. The author uses alliteration to create memorable phrases for the reader. Find two alliterative phrases in the extract below.

      ‘They’re cutting off somebody’s head!’ she whispered.  ‘I heard it fall!’  But Nick had heard another sound now, the clink of a knife on a pewter plate.  He hugged around Mercy’s shoulders.

      ‘Hush now,’ he whispered.  ‘It’s a servant up in the kitchen eating his supper, that’s all.  The family must have left a house servant and the gardener to guard their property while they are away.’

      ‘So we can’t go up into the house!’ Mercy’s eyes were big in the dim light.  ‘We have to stay in the dark!’

      ‘We can be cosy down here,’ whispered Nick.  ‘It’s only for one night.  I’ll find us a better place tomorrow, a truly empty place, I promise.’

      ‘Did the man up there hear us, do you think?’ asked Mercy.  ‘Will he come with a stick and a dog, looking for…?’

      ‘If he does hear us he’ll think it’s just rats in the cellar,’ said Nick.

      Mercy clutched at Nick’s sleeve.  ’Are there really rats?’

      ‘No,’ said Nick, but he knew that there probably were.  Nick took off his jacket and wrapped it around Mercy.  It was cool in the cellar, but he wrapped her more for the comfort of being wrapped tight like a baby in swaddling than for the warmth of it.’ 


  1. Find and Copy two different birds mentioned in the extract below.
  2. Find and Copy one word which means ’small stone’
  3. Explain why the raven dropped pebbles into the water jug.

      ‘They did.  And, after that, the fat hens were frightened every time the farmer’s wife opened her door in case they were the next ones to be chosen.  They tried to hide behind the skinny ones, but it never worked because the thin hens were too thin for fat hens to hind behind.’

       Mercy laughed.  ‘Tell another story!’ she said, suddenly sitting up.

      ‘I thought you were tired!’

      ‘No.  Tell another bird story, Nick.  Please?’

      ‘I’ll tell a little story about a raven.’

      ‘I don’t like ….’  Mercy pulled a hand from her jacket wrapping and thumping Nick on the arm.

      ‘But this is a good story about a thirsty raven,’ said Nick.

      ‘I’m thir…’

      ‘Shush!  One hot dusty day a raven wanted a drink.  He could smell water somewhere nearby, so he went looking for it.  He found a tall thin jug that was half full of lovely cool clear water.  But when the raven tried to drink, his beak wasn’t long enough to reach down to the water.  What could he do?’

      ‘Knock the jug over?’

      ‘No, silly!  That’d spill the water and it would all be lost!  No.  This was a clever raven.  He hopped over to a place where he found a pebble.  He picked the pebble up in his beak, then hopped back to the water jug and dropped the pebble into it.’



  1. Find and Copy a word which means ‘rotten’ from the extract below.

      ‘You’ll see.  He hopped around and found another pebble, then another and another, and he dropped them all into the jug.  And each time he dropped in a pebble the water in the jug rose higher until…’

      ‘The raven could reach to drink it!’

      ‘That’s it.’

      ‘I still don’t like ravens,’ said Mercy.

      ‘Just go to sleep,’  said Nick, suddenly too tired to humour her any longer.  He laid Mercy as comfortably as he could on the rough cellar floor.  He felt the shape of her and found her head and shuffled himself under it to make her a pillow of his lap.  Then he stroked and stroked her hair to sooth her to sleep.  Don’t think of Mother, he told himself as he stroked Mercy’s hair on and on.  But thoughts of mother came at him anyway, thoughts that made him feel faint and dizzy.  Nick breathed deeply and tried to stop the sick feeling from rushing up inside him. 

      As Mercy slumped sleep, Nick got up, and he wobbled.  Perhaps he was just weak from hunger?  Nick reached for the food bundle and pulled out a piece of the meat to chew.  It tasted rank, aged fast by the hot weather, but Nick pinched his nose shut and made himself eat that meat anyhow.  They couldn’t afford to be fussy about what they ate now.’


  1. Find and Copy a hyphenated adjective used to describe the birds appearance from the extract below.

      Nick didn’t go far from the cellar in case Mercy woke and found herself alone, but he wandered under the apple trees.  He found a few bruised or maggoty apples that the gardener hadn’t thought worth taking into the house.  It was a little more food that they could take and eat.  As Nick bent to pick up another apple, something big and raggedy and black suddenly flapped towards him.


      Nick instinctively ducked with his hands up to protect his head.  Then he saw what had flapped and made the noise.  A raven had landed and was jumping over the grass in great galloping leaps.

      ‘You again!’ said Nick.  ‘Isn’t it?’  He looked closely at the bird.  He was almost sure that he recognised the shiny, tar-black feathers that tufted up on the top of the bird’s head.  ‘My button-thief devilish friend!’ said Nick.  He had forgotten the button in all that had happened.  He patted his breeches pocket now and felt the button still safe inside.  One small item that he and Mercy could sell or exchange for food.  ‘Have you come stealing once more?  Do ravens eat apples?’  asked Nick.  Then he saw.  The raven had his eye on something other than apples.  Its gleaming eyes looked towards the place where the dead mouse lay on the grass.  The raven looked at Nick, head quizzically on one side. ‘


  1. Explain the raven’s unusual behaviour in front of the other birds using the extract below.

     ‘Go on, take it,’ said Nick.  ‘I don’t want it.’  The bird swivelled his head to look behind, and Nick realised that two other ravens also landed, also attracted to the mouse.  They were big ravens, fully frown.  ‘Go on,’  Nick encouraged his raven.  ‘Eat it quick before those others get it.’  His raven took a step forward and swung its sharp-beaked head up, then down, like a man working a pick-axe.  But a moment later the raven wobbled unsteadily.  ‘What is it?’  A feeling of horror was creeping down Nick’s neck.  The bird was staggering very like the way that Mother had staggered when the plague came in her, very like a man who has had overmuch ale to drink.  Suddenly the bird fell down onto the grass, stone-stiff.  ‘Oh, no!’ whispered Nick. 

      The raven lay quite still, with its black three-toed feet up in the air like miniature winter trees.  It’s been poisoned by a mouse, thought Nick.  The two other ravens were watching.  Now they shifted uneasily on the grass, then flapped wide their dark wings and rose up into the night sky and away.  Quick as a blink, Nick’s raven flipped over onto its feet and began to peck at the mouse again.  Nick laughed out loud.  ‘You crafty devil!  You are as good an actor as any of them at the playhouse!  I see your game, pretending to be poisoned to put those others off wanting the mouse!’


Don’t forget to send your answers to your teacher in your daily email.



Lesson 5


Geography: Geographical features of the Rainforest. Watch the video on Youtube and produce 5 sentences using a relative pronoun.

Lesson 6


Villa Foundation Lessons

Sugar Swaps

Collective Worship Assembly

Story Time

 Raven Boy, Chapter 6 



Lesson 1



Villa Foundation Balance


Lesson 2


English: Watch the video about commas to separate items in a list and complete the activity.



Lesson 3


Maths: Watch the video ’Area of compound shapes’ and complete the worksheet saved as a document on the website.   

Lesson 4


Reading:  To understand how to summarize key events.


Before you start today’s lesson, make sure you have read or listened to Chapter 3 and 4 of Raven Boy. 


My Turn

Complete the table with the five key events from chapter 3



Short description of the event.

Event 1

Nick and Mercy crept into the garden of the empty rich house and hid in the cellar.

Event 2

Nick told Mercy stories to help Mercy fall asleep

Event 3

Nick went out into the garden, where he saw the same raven as earlier that day. 

Event 4

The raven began to peck at a dead mouse, watched by a group of other ravens.  The raven acted dead to trick the other ravens that the mouse was poisoned.

Event 5

Nick collected some wind-blown apples and went back to Mercy in the cellar where he fell asleep.


Using the information from the table, write a short summary of no more than 100 words.


At the start of chapter 3, Nick and Mercy crept into the garden of the empty house, as the only door that was open was the cellar, they hid in the cellar for the night.  As they sat there in the cold and dark, Nick told Mercy stories to help her to fall asleep.  Once Mercy had fallen asleep, Nick wandered out into the garden, where he found some apples blown off the trees by the wind and the Raven he had seen earlier that day landed by his feet.  The raven pecked at a dead mouse by Nick’s feet, watched by another group of birds.  Suddenly the raven wobbled unsteadily, the bird fell down onto the grass, stone-stiff with its black three-toed feet up in the air like miniature winter trees, to trick the other ravens into thinking it had been poisoned by the mouse.  After the other birds had left, the raven stood up and finished its meal before flying away.  Nick collected some of the wind-blown apples and made his way back into the cellar where he fell asleep next to Mercy. 


Your Turn

Complete the table with the five key events from chapter 4



Short description of the event.

Event 1


Event 2


Event 3


Event 4


Event 5



Using the information from the table, write a short summary of no more than 100 words.


Don’t forget to send your summary to your teacher in your daily email.



Lesson 5


Geography: Comparison between the UK woodland and the Amazon Rainforest. Watch the video on YouTube and colour the two maps to represent the woodlands in both locations.

Lesson 6


Villa Foundation Lessons


Collective Worship Assembly


Story Time      - There's a tiger in the garden 



Lesson 1


PE: PE with Joe Wicks live on his YouTube channel at 9am


Lesson 2


English: Watch the video about the three tenses and complete the activity.



Lesson 3


Maths: Watch the video ‘ Area of irregular shapes’ and complete the worksheet saved as a document on the website. 

Lesson 4


Reading: To understand how to explore the meaning of words in context


Before you start today’s lesson, make sure you have read or listened up to chapter 7 of Raven Boy. 


My Turn


What does the word feeble mean in the following context?

He tipped his aching head back and looked up at the Tower, as strong and sure as Nick was feeble.


From scanning before and after the word, I can see no obvious definition for the word feeble, however if I look closer I can see that the author has used the word feeble to compare how Nick is feeling compared to the Tower of London, which he describes as strong and sure. This tells me that if he is comparing it Nick is probably not feeling strong and sure, therefore he has used that as an antonym for how Nick is feeling, therefore Nick must be feeling the opposite of strong and sure, which is weak and wobbly.  Therefore, feeble must mean weak and wobbly.   


Feeble means to be weak and wobbly as the author has used that to compare how Nick is feeling to the Tower of London, which he said is strong and sure.  Therefore Nick must feel the opposite which is weak and wobbly. 


Your Turn

  1. In the paragraph starting ‘Mercy had tears...’ find and copy a word that means ‘wobbling slightly’

       Mercy had tears streaking her dirty face and her bottom lip was quivering by the time they reached the small house where the Binder’s lived.  Seth’s door was already open to the early heat of the day.  Nick could see inside to a table spread with a cloth.  There was a jug and a loaf of bread and a pot with Michaelmas daisies in it.  It all looked clean and there was a chair with a welcoming lap that Nick longed to slump into, but he must not.  He must not appear tired or ill at all, not if he was going to persuade the Binders to care for Mercy.  Nick steadied his breathing, then he knocked on the door.


  1. In the penultimate paragraph starting ‘I have a present for you...’ find and copy a word that means ‘without thinking’

      ‘I have a present for you.’  Nick reached into his pocket and took out the silver button that the raven had given him only yesterday, though that seemed a  distant time ago now.  He threw the button carefully and Mercy instinctively put out her hand and caught it.  She held the button between finger and thumb and tilted it in the light.  Her eyes opened wide. 

      ‘It’s silver,’  said Nick.  ‘It’s worth a deal of money.’

      ‘Did you steal it?’ whispered Mercy.

      ‘No,’ said Nick.  ‘It was given to me  by a friend.  Now keep it safe and don’t tell anybody of it.  If you need to, you can sell it or exchange it.  Do you understand?’

      Mercy stroked a finger over the button and smiled for the first time that day.  ‘I know just the place to hide it,’  she said.  ‘’I’ll sew it onto my bodice.  That has a button missing.’

      ‘Then everybody will see it, you goose!’  said Nick.


  1. Which word from the list below is most likely to explain the meaning of the word ‘grand’ used in the second paragraph? o Rich / Tall / Strong / Mean

Pushing sweaty black hair from his face, Nick rested in the dark cool shadows of a wall and watched the Tower’s guarded gateway.  A group of men walked towards the gate.  One of the men talked to the soldiers, and the gates were opened and the soldiers stepped aside to let the men through.  Then a grand gentleman with a boy attendant was saluted and they let him through without any hesitation.  Following them came two carts rumbling over the cobbles.  The men on guard stopped the first cart, lifting its cloth covering to inspect what was underneath, but they were just waving through the second cart, heaped with plump sacks.  The sacks must have grain in them because there were pigeons fussing behind the cart, fighting to pick up whatever was dribbling from a hole in one of them just as seagulls will follow a farmer’s plough to get the worms turned up in the fresh soil.  With the guard distracted, Nick saw his chance.  He hurried across to slip in amongst that flurry of birds and tag behind the cart.  He put a hand on the back of one fat sack as if he was helping to steer it through the gateway. 


  1. Which word from the list below is closest in meaning to the word ‘rogue’ used in the penultimate paragraph? o Thief / Liar / Cheat / Boy

‘Kraack!’  he told them in a firm voice, and Nick almost expected the soldiers to obey the command in some way, but…

      ‘Got you, you young rogue!’

A cool shadow darkened over Nick and a hairy hand clamped right to the scruff of his shirt, making him choke, turning him to face a big giant of a man, red-faced under a hot grey wig that wobbled with rage.


  1. In paragraph starting ‘Nick looked at the grand folk...’ find and copy a word that means ‘anger or annoyance’

Nick looked at the grand folk laughing at him.  He felt the heat of indignation at the back of his neck.  But, strangely, he was feeling stronger now, steadier.  He remembered a child who had laughed at him years ago when he and his parents first came to the city. The boy had scorned Nick because Nick had never ridden in a coach.  That boy’s father was a coachman and so the boy often took a ride in one.  One day Nick’s father had overheard the taunting and he told the boy that very soon a Master Orrow would be coming in a very fine coach to collect Nick and take him wherever he cared to go.  The boy had muttered something and gone away.  And Nick had turned to his father and asked, ‘Who is Master Orrow?  Is he really bringing me a coach?’  And Father had tapped the side of his nose and told him, ‘Master Orrow is a fellow called Tom, Nick.  And you know that as well as I do. Tom Orrow never truly arrives!’  Father laughed then, but it wasn’t until some while later that Nick understood the joke. 


Don’t forget to send your summary to your teacher in your daily email.



Lesson 5


Science:  Dissolving or melting

Watch the video pre-recorded by your teachers and shared on You Tube. 


Then write a definition for melting and Dissolving. 


Lesson 6 2.30-3.00

Recap and plan an essay.

Collective Worship Assembly


Story Time   - The elves and the shoemaker




Lesson 1


Storytellers: Paint/colour some hardboiled eggs or potatoes to look like characters from your favourite book. If you would like to use a different food type, like a carror then go for it! Don’t foget to send us your pictures.

Lesson 2


Character profile:

  1. Choose your favourite book character.
  2. Use description and quotes from your book to build up a picture of what he/she is really like.













Special things:


Would you want to be friends with him/her? Why?





Lesson 3


Write a Diary:
Pretend you are one of the characters from your book. Write a diary entry for one day. What did you do? Where did you go? Make it exciting and don’t forget to include all of your fantastic grammar skills and exciting vocabulary.

Lesson 4


Design a book cover and blurb:
Think about your favourite book and design a new cover for a new edition of the book. Design a new blurb for your favourite book. Remember to include a short summary of what the book is about and try to convince others to read the book!

Design a book mark:
Use the book mark template, or your own, to create a book mark. Bring it to school with you and we can laminate it.

Comic Strip:
Create a comic out of your favourite book or choose The Viking Boy.
- see the images below for ideas.



Lesson 5


Plan a visit to your local library. How will you get there? What route will you take?

Lesson 6 2.30-3.00

Design a reading garden that we could use as part of our gardening project. Email them to your teacher so we can choose the best one to use and create in our area!

Lesson 6


Which books are important to you? Perhaps they were given to you by someone special or they bring back happy memories. Do you have any special books in your family? Think about these questions and create a mind map of your thoughts.

Story Time

Bedtime Stories (2020) The Witches




Lesson 1



Cosmic Yoga

Choose a class to suit you.

Lesson 2


Spelling: Watch the video and practice these words: bruise, guarantee, yacht, vehicle, immediately.






Story Challenge - Little Badman

Lesson 4


Maths: To apply knowledge of addition and subtraction to multi-step problems. This lesson will be prerecorded by your class teacher and shared with you on YouTube.

Lesson 5


Science:  To understand if a substance is soluble or insoluble

Watch the pre-recorded video that your teachers have shared on You Tube. 

If you want to join in with the investigation, you will need:

  • 5 clear beakers
  • tea leaves (emptied from a tea bag)
  • instant coffee powder
  • sugar
  • salt
  • flour
  • spoon
  • cold water.




Half fill each of your containers with cold water from the tap. 



Pour half a tea spoon of each substance into its own container. 



Stir each of your mixtures for 30 seconds.


Water is transparent ------------------substance is soluble

Particles of the solid still in the water -------------------- substance is insoluble.


Draw the table to record your results























Remember to send your answers to your teacher as part of your daily email.




Interrupting forgetting quiz

Celebration  Assembly

Ph4 Celebration Assembly 

Story Time  - The empty Pot


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