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Week beginning 01.02.21

Don't forget to send a daily message to your teacher using the contact box at the bottom of the Year 5 page. You could tell them: what you've enjoyed doing, anything that you're really proud of, any challenges you've had along with any extra work you have completed. Let us know any new facts that you have learnt! 

Just remember to put your name and class on the contact form.

Monday 1st February

Lesson 1


PE: Jo Wicks

Lesson 2


English (Theatre Production Week): Watch the theatre production of Dick Whittington (this will be over two lessons. First half today and second tomorrow) and make notes on the storyline as you will asked to rewrite this later in the week.

You can watch this with your family and complete the suggested activities together.



Lesson 3


Maths: Watch the video ’Use line graphs to solve problems’ and complete the worksheet saved as a document on the website

Lesson 4


Reading: Viking Boy –Chapter 10 Figurative language.  Watch the video Figurative Language Read the recap below.

What Is Figurative Language?

Figurative language is a way of using words to compare something to something else – beyond the literal meaning, it is used for emphasis and impact.

Figurative language makes our writing more interesting, It also helps the reader create a mental image of our meaning.

Simile - A simile compares two things by using the words “like” or “as.”

Your eyes sparkle like diamonds.

I tiptoed as quietly as a mouse.

Metaphor - A metaphor compares one thing to another without using “like” or “as.”

Laughter is music for the soul.

Those ideas are food for thought.

Personification - Personification gives human qualities to animals, non-living objects, or ideas.

The stars danced in the sky.

In the jungle, the lion sings tonight.

Hyperbole -  Hyperbole is obvious exaggeration to make a point.

She knows everything about math!

You are the best teacher in the entire universe.

My Turn

‘Nail Howled and Gunnar picked up the club to deal with Ivar, smashing it into his knee. Ivar went down like a tree felled by an axe. ‘  This is an example of a Simile, It uses Like to compare the way Ivar collapsed when Gunnar hit his knee with the club to a tree being cut down by an axe.

Your Turn

Identify examples of figurative language within the chapter.

Remember to write down the sentence that includes the figurative language, explain what type of figurative language has been used and how you know. 


Using the extract below, what do you think Rurik is thinking after hearing Gunnar’s story?

‘Rurik sat listening in silence.  “I’ll take your word for it,” he said when Gunnar had finished.  “I’ve seen halls burned, and that part of your story has the feel of truth.  But the part of the Valkyries... can you prove you actually saw them?”  Gunnar looked at him, then lowered his gaze.  “No, I can’t.”

  “At least you’re honest,” said Rurik.  I’ve seen some strange things, but I’ve never seen a Valkyrie, and I’ve fought in my share of battles…”

  “So you don’t believe me,” said Gunnar.  “I swear it’s all true!”

  “That’s not nearly enough, boy.”  Rurik stood up, his face closed off once more.



Lesson 5


History: Watch the video on YouTube which has been pre-recorded by your teacher. Today’s lesson is about the Anglo-Saxons and their appearance. Compare their clothes and hairstyle with modern day clothing! Would you dress like them? 

Lesson 6


Villa Foundation Lessons

Healthy Stars


Collective Worship Assembly

Safer Internet Day

Story Time

Viking Boy: Each day you will hear one of the Year 5 teachers read a chapter of our book ‘The Viking Boy’

Chapter 15 -

Tuesday 2nd February

Lesson 1


PE: PE with Joe Wicks live on his YouTube channel at 9am.


Lesson 2


English (Theatre Production Week): Watch the theatre production of Dick Whittington (this will be over two lessons. Second half today) and make notes on the storyline as you will asked to rewrite this later in the week.

You can watch this with your family and complete the suggested activities together.



Lesson 3


Maths: Watch the video ’Reading timetables ’ and complete the work.


Lesson 4


Reading: Viking Boy –Chapter 11- Vocabulary

Make sure you have read or listened up to chapter 11, if you haven’t done so, do this first.

Use the context of the sentences around the words to determine their meaning, then explain the meaning of the vocabulary in your own words.

My Turn


 “Gunnar filled Rurik’s goblet with ale from the big barrel in one corner of the hall.”

A goblet is another word for cup. I know this because in the text, ‘Gunnar went and filled up the goblet with Ale from the big barrel in the corner of the hall,’ I know that the Vikings drank ale and if Gunnar filled the goblet with ale, it is most likely to be the cup that Rurik will drink from. 


“It was Starkad, flanked on one side by Ari and on the other by Hogni, their faces grim.”

Flanked means to be supported.  I know this because in the text, it says that Starkad was flanked on one side by Ari and on the other by Hogni, as they were all wearning  chainmail and helmets, they were ready for a fight, thins makes me think that Ari and Hogni are there to support Starkad, this maked me believe that flanked means supported.

Your Turn


“Hogni was also wearing chainmail, a rusty, old byrnie with big ragged holes in it that was far too short for him.”


“Two more men moved forward, their swords raised, and Rurik parried huge blows from both, blade ringing on blade.”


“Suddenly Ari rushed forward with a yell, wildly swinging his sword.  Rurik simply stepped to one side and Ari stumbled past, flailing.




Lesson 5


History: Watch the video pre-recorded by your teacher and shared on YouTube.  Then write some comparative sentences about the two feast tables (Anglo-Saxon era and modern day). Which food is the yummiest?

Lesson 6


Villa Foundation Lessons

Well-being Stars

Feelings: How are you feeling?

Collective Worship Assembly

Children's Mental Health Week Assembly 

Story Time

Viking Boy: Each day you will hear one of the Year 5 teachers read a chapter of our book ‘The Viking Boy’ Chapter 16

Wednesday 3rd February

Lesson 1


PE: PE with Joe Wicks live on his YouTube channel at 9am


Lesson 2


English (Theatre Production Week): Orally retell the story of Dick Whittington to a family member. Use your notes to support you. Support any younger siblings in using the oracy strategies that we have taught you so far.



Lesson 3



Maths: Watch the video ’Calculating time intervals on timetables ’ and complete the work.


Lesson 4


Reading: Viking Boy –Chapter 12 – Comprehension

Make sure you have read or listened up to Chapter 12 before you start this lesson.

  1. Explain how Gunnar and Rurik have found themselves in this situation?
  2. How do Gunnar and Rurik’s reactions differ to the situation?
  3. Who do you think the old man is and why has he given Gunnar a knife?
  4. Why do you think Rurik isn’t bothered that he might be about to die?
  5. What do you think might happen next in the story?  Justify your answers with evidence from the text.
  6. Why do you think the fight took place?
  7. Draw a picture of the harbour from the descriptions in the book and label it with phrases from the story.



Lesson 5


ScienceNight and Day

 Watch the video pre-recorded by your teacher and shared on YouTube, pause when told to complete the investigation ( you will need a circle of paper to act as the sun ).  Replay the video then write an explanation to explain how day and night happen.


Lesson 6 2.30-3.00

RE: What do Sikhs believe about God?


Collective Worship Assembly

I can be myself 

Story Time

Viking Boy: Each day you will hear one of the Year 5 teachers read a chapter of our book ‘The Viking Boy’ Chapter 17

Thursday 4th February

Lesson 1


PE: Cosmic Yoga

Lesson 2


English (Theatre Production Week):

Choose two of the following activities to complete with your family:

  1. Dick Whittington uses a map to get around London. Can you create your own map from your house to your school? Think about what landmarks you will see on your way. Do you pass any parks? Any shops? Do you have a favourite place you like to go past on your journey? Draw what stands out on your way to school.
  2. Make a noise maker (see the instructions in the resource section below)
  3. Design your own land under the sea (see the instructions in the resource section below)
  4. Design your own costume (see the instructions in the resource section below)
  5. Rewrite the story in your own words- don’t forget to add detail using the grammar skills that you have learnt so far.



Lesson 3



Maths: To apply knowledge of addition to reasoning and problem solving questions. This lesson will be prerecorded by your class teachers via zoom and shared with you on YouTube.

Lesson 4


Reading: Viking Boy – Chapter 13 – Authors Voice.

Make sure you have read or listened up to Chapter 13 before you start this lesson.

Figurative language is when you describe something by comparing it with something else.  Types of figurative language include:

  • Alliteration – when the author puts together two or more words with the same first letter.
  • metaphor – a phrase or sentence in which the author creates an image in the readers mind by saying that a person or object is something else.
  • simile – a phrase or sentence that compares an object or person with something else, to make a description more relatable to the reader.
  • Personification – usually involves the author describing a no-living object with verbs and adjectives that make it seem as though it is alive. 

My turn

‘The ships in the harbour stirred and creaked.  Small waves slapped against their hulls, and the sea chuckled under their keels.’ This is an example of personification as the author is describing the waves as being alive and slapping the hulls of the ships as a person would or chuckling under their keels, which are all things that a human could do but waves cannot. 

Your Turn

‘stray gleams of light from the crowds torches stabbed down through the narrow gaps between the planks.’ This is an example of __________________________.  The author has described the light from the torches ___________________________________.


What other examples of figurative language can you find in the chapter.  Write each example, the type of figurative language the author has used and explain how you know it is that type of figurative language.




Lesson 5


Science: Phases of the Moon.

Watch the video pre-recorded by your teacher and shared on YouTube and create your own Moon Diary over the next month, by recording what you can see each night in a table in your book.  Can you name each phase when you see it?

Lesson 6 2.30-3.00

Handwriting: Using cursive, joined writing, practise writing the following words:

  1. accommodate  accompany  according  achieve  aggressive  amateur

Write a line of them until you are happy with the joins and then write a sentence which uses these words. This will help you to understand the words meaning.

A video will be available on YouTube for you to watch the modelling of this

Story Time

Viking Boy: Each day you will hear one of the Year 5 teachers read a chapter of our book ‘The Viking Boy’ Chapter 18

Friday 5th February

Lesson 1


PE: PE with Joe Wicks.

Lesson 2


Spelling: Apostrophe for possession – this lesson will be pre-recorded by your teacher and shared on YouTube. List of words to be practiced for the following week (for Friday12.02): bruise, equipped, desperate, sacrifice, temperature, persuade, physical, muscles, aggressive, community. 



Lesson 3



Maths: Timestables check. This lesson will be prerecorded by your class teachers via zoom and shared with you on YouTube.


Lesson 4


ReadingViking Boy – Chapter 14 – Inference

Make sure you have read or listened up to Chapter 14 before you start this lesson.

What do you think of Gunnar’s plan? 

“What if they can’t get out of the hall?” said Gunnar. “We could block the doors somehow.  We could set fire to the roof as well.”  Rurik looked at Gunnar and raised his eyebrows.  “It’s worth a try,” he said.  “That would certainly keep them busy for a while.”

Would you have done the same?

Make an inference about Gunnar’s feelings thoughts and motives at the time of the excerpt below.

“The smell of smoke and fierce heat sent his mind back to the night his home had been destroyed.  He loved the idea of setting fire to Orm’s hall, of making him and the others in there suffer, if only for a little while.”

What is Thorkel’s dilemma and how does he respond to it?




Lesson 5


Interrupting Forgetting Quiz (click for the link)

Lesson 6


Villa Foundation Lessons

Well-Being Stars


Celebration  Assembly


Story Time

Viking Boy: Each day you will hear one of the Year 5 teachers read a chapter of our book ‘The Viking Boy’ Chapter 19


Chester Zoo Live

Watch the animals of Chester Zoo. A perfect way to learn from the comfort of your own home!

Look out for any animals that you may find in The Amazon Rainforest!


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