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Early Reading

Children will bring a reading book home to share with their family on Mondays and will need to bring them back on Thursdays.

Parent video: 10 things to think about when you read to your child

Decodable Books

Decodable books are books that a child can read once she/he has been taught the phonics in the book.  It is really important to see decodable books as an experience that will be successful if enough preparation is made beforehand.  Once your child is confident, they can read the book successfully and independently!


So what do children need to know before they read a decodable book?


  1. They need to read a book which is at their reading level.  
  2. They need to know the spellings (graphemes) in the book.  These are the spellings that should be listed in the book.
  3. Graphemes are spellings that represent sounds in words.  They can be simple ones like the letters of the alphabet or complex ones like ‘igh’ in the word ‘n igh t’.  We are aiming for an automatic recognition of these spellings so that when the children see them in a word they will know how to sound them out.  The video below shows you some activities and games that will help your child learn these spellings.
  4. They need to know how to blend these spellings into words.  Blending is an activity which kids need to practice from the very beginning of reading.  When you read with your child, encourage them to blend the sounds in the words from left to right, pointing at the letters.  If there is a spelling in the word they don’t know, tell them what that sound is.  Allow them to blend the whole word themselves.

Reading at Home with Little Learners

Tips for parents/carers reading decodable books at home with their child. In this video author Berys Dixon reads the decodable storybook 'Quack' with a child, including some phonics warm-up activities. The phonics focus in this book is the grapheme 'ck' as in quack and duck.

Once the children begin to recognise their letters and sounds they will be decodable books home to read with their families on Thursdays and they will need to be brought back on Mondays.

Rocket Words

We send tricky words that match our phonics programme home to practise.


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